#11 Jim Plaxton Part 1 by Michael Kruse

This episode features Toronto based designer Jim Plaxton.  Jim's 30 year career oversaw the start of many important Toronto theatre companies, including Toronto Workshop Productions, Theatre Passe Muraille as well as the start of Toronto Dance Theatre.  In this first half we speak about Jim's early career in architecture and his transition first to film and then to dance and live performance.  We also speak about his influence on the renovations of Theatre Passe Muraille in 1982-3 and his stint there as its co-artistic director with Layne Coleman and Clark Rogers.

Moody and Moore Architects

Wartime Housing by Wimpey

Cinecity Theatre and Film Canada

Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre

Willem Poolman

Lorne Michaels

Film Co-ops


Toronto Dance Theatre

Peter Rendazzo

David Earle

Patricia Beatty

Toronto Workshop Productions

Gérard Pelletier

School of Toronto Dance Theatre

Theatre Passe Muraille

O.D on Paradise

Hrant Alianak

I Love You Baby Blue and Paul Thompson

Baby Blue II

Lucky Strike

The Blues

Layne Coleman

Clarke Rogers - could find nothing - please send links!

Crackwalker and Judith Thompson

#10 Projection and the Future Part 2 by Michael Kruse

This episode picks up at the second half of the panel discussion about projection and the future of design at the Canadian Institute of Theatre Technology's annual conference, Rendez-Vous 2014.  I am once again joined by Scott Spidell, Eric Mongerson, Beth Kates, and Ben Chaisson (bios can be found at episode #9).  

We started the talk about the unique funding challenges of buying or renting equipment that advances so quickly, move on to talk about the language of video in a production and end with a discussion about copyright and planning for the future.


Canada Council Grants

Necessary Angel 

Cahoots Theatre

ETC Source Four LEDs

Toronto Association for the Performing Arts

LED video component walls - Barco

Summerworks Festival

D3 Servers

National Arts Centre

Carousel Players

#9 Projection and the Future Part 1 by Michael Kruse

This is a long one, but well worth it.  On August 16th, 2014, I traveled to Ottawa, Ontario for the Canadian Institute for Theatre Technology's annual trade show Rendez-Vous 2014.  There, I led a panel discussion about the use of projections in theatre design with Scott Spidel, Eric Mongerson, Ben Chaisson and Beth Kates.  Thankfully, CITT had booked our discussion for 3 hours and despite the fact that we thought we would be done early, we went right to the 3 hour mark.  It was a very comprehensive discussion as you will see (this is part 1 of 2!).  Bios and links for the show are below.


Scott Spidell

Scott Spidell, is an assistant professor in production design and technical direction at Texas Lutheran University. He has been a professional theatre artist and craftsperson for over thirty years. Over that time, he has worked in almost every aspect of theatre, film and television—from driving and loading tour trucks, writing scripts for TV shorts, working sound on a Papal tour, serving as a tailor's apprentice, performing as an Equity actor, and getting shot by Charles Bronson— to working as a professional carpenter, scenographer, video designer, camera assistant, lighting designer, props master, producer, and union stage manager.

He has been an active director of the Ontario Section of the Canadian Institute for Theatre Technology (CITT) and the president of the board of Inter Arts Matrix, a non-profit that fosters the development of integrated art. Scott has also taught at the Universities of Waterloo, Guelph, Windsor, Ryerson and Fanshawe College.

He last designed the lights, set, and video for The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui by Bertolt Brecht for the red light district theatre in Toronto and the lighting for Mirror – a chamber opera for soprano and visual artist for the Open Ears Festival in Kitchener.

Scott has a Diploma of Applied Arts in Technical Theatre from Niagara College, a Bachelor of Environmental Studies with a minor in Drama from University of Waterloo, and an MFA in Performance Design from York University in Toronto.

Eric Mongerson

Eric Mongerson worked in and studied theatre in the United States for ten years before moving toMontréal in 1980. In addition to serving as full professor at Concordia University he works as set/lighting designer and technical director outside the university. He received his MFA from Humboldt State University in 1978. 

He received Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) funding as a co-investigator with Dr. Stephen Snow on “Performance-based Research: Changing Perspectives on Developmental Disabilities through Ethnodrama”. 

He has taught set and lighting design, stage management, theatre administration and theatre technology. 

He has consulted for Scénoplus and Cirque du Soleil on equipment installation and theatrical problem solving. He has designed lighting for many productions across North America. At Concordia he has served as Technical Director, Theatre Manager, Production Coordinator, Design for the Theatre Coordinator and Chair of the Department from 1993 - 2002. 

His students have designed for, Broadway, Cirque du Soleil and Stratford. He has been on the board of directors of the Canadian Institute for Theatre Technology / L’Institut Canadien des Technologies Scénographiques (CITT / ICTS) and is currently on the board of the Centre Québécois de L’Institut Canadien des Technologies Scénographiques (CQICTS). He is a member of the Association des Professionnels des Arts de la Scène du Quèbec (APASQ). He received the Dieter Penzhorn Award in 2011 from CITT and the MECCA award for best lighting design in Montreal in 2010.

Ben Chaisson and Beth Kates and Playground Studios

Ben Chaisson and Beth Kates are the co-creative directors of Playground Studios, a firm dedicated to creating beautiful productions for the entertainment industry. Beth and Ben are award winning designers of projection, lighting, sound, costume and set for dance, theatre, opera, rock n roll and many other live events.

Most recently their interactive installation The ToyBox was awarded the CITT Award for Technical Merit, their newest installation Night Light Travels saw 1400 participants at this year’s Scotiabank Nuit Blanche, and Ben was awarded the 2010 Pauline McGibbon Award for emerging designers. They and their work have toured the world. Theatrical highlights include MacHomer, Bigger Than Jesus (Dora Award for Lighting), Hardsell, The Highest Step In The World, Anne of Green Gables, Spin, The Synesthesia Project with Steven McCarthy, Brimful of Asha with Ravi Jain and many more.

Beth and Ben lead masterclasses in Projection and Scenographic Design across the country. They are currently in development with Playwrights Workshop Montreal to create a series of in-depth projection workshops geared towards established theatre artists, with the intention of helping them gain a deeper understanding of this growing medium. Beth has lead masterclasses for students at Humber College, Bishop Strachan School and The National Theatre School, and Canadian Stage.

 Check them out at www.playgroundstudios.ca


History of Projection

Pani Projectors

The Banff Centre for the Arts

The Moment Factory

Playground Studios





Isadora by Troikatronix


Edge Blending

#8 Allan Stichbury Part 2 by Michael Kruse


This is the second half of my conversation with production designer Allan Stichbury via Skype from his home in Victoria B.C..  Among other things we discuss how he builds a relationship with a director, his approach to education, and his experiences as a designer in Thailand.  We also discuss his involvement with the Prague Quadrennial and the Associated Designers of Canada. The audio is a bit better on this one, but still low quality - it will be fixed for future episodes.

University of Alberta Theatre Dept.

Dennis Garnhum

The Wars by Timothy Findley

Theatre Calgary

Scott Killian - Sound Designer

Chulalongkorn University

Ramakien - Thai Ramayana story 

Prague Quadrennial 2015

The Banff Centre for the Arts

UVic - Bangkok University Exchange

Associated Designers of Canada

#7 Allan Stichbury Part 1 by Michael Kruse

Allan Stichbury is a set/costume/lighting designer based in Victoria, British Columbia.  An alumni of the conservatory program at the University of Alberta, Allan spoke to me about his early years in Victoria and Edmonton and the shows that made his career at a time in Canadian theatre that you could still become an overnight success.

The sound is a bit lower quality than I would have liked, as this was my first recording of a Skype call.  Please forgive the digital distortion at times, I have improved my technique and this will not happen again.

Show Notes

Vancouver's Gastown Riots

Canadian Actors Equity

University of Victoria Dept. of Theatre

Bastion Theatre

Company One

Carl Hare

Belfry Theatre

William D. (Bill) West

University of Alberta Theatre Program

Victor Becker

Northern Light Theatre


50/50 Glass (Rosco Shrink Mirror Scrim)

National Arts Centre

Josef Svoboda

Banff Centre for the Arts

Citadel Theatre

Robin Phillips

Tarragon Theatre

Young People's Theatre

The Grand Theatre

CentreStage Company (Canadian Stage Company)

Dennis Garnham

Michael Whitfield

#6 Shawn Kerwin Part 2 by Michael Kruse

After a bit of a delay for school and life, here is episode #6, part 2 of my discussion with Shawn Kerwin.  We pick up with Shawn's experience with Desmond Heeley at the Stratford Festival and move onto the Met and Shawn's design philosophy, discussing problems with the audience "humming the scenery" after the show.  This episode is a great primer for how to approach a design, generate ideas, communicate with other artisans and build a show, as well as a frank discussion about starting a career in the theatre. Links below.

Canadian Institute for Theatre Technology Conference 2014

Desmond Heeley and his Bio

Backstage at the Stratford Festival

Susan Benson

Alex Stone and Carl Toms and Cecil Beaton

David Reppa and the Metropolitan Opera Company

Canadian Violinist Murdered at the Met : Helen Hagnes

John Michael Deegan

Theatre New Brunswick

Robert Edmond Jones

Script Analysis

Making a Model Box for Theatre - example, the play A Janika

Haden Griffin

Who's In The Goose Tonight? An Anecdotal History of Theatre in Canada to 1970, Vernon Chapman

#5 Shawn Kerwin Part 1 by Michael Kruse

This week, I speak with set designer Shawn Kerwin about her training in the early days of modern Canadian theatre in Toronto.  From the beginnings in an unheated warehouse at the Factory Theatre to training with the stars of British design, Shawn's life as been extraordinary.

Here are some links to stuff we talked about:

The Blyth Festival

Theatre Passe Muraille

The Factory Theatre

Eric Steiner

George Walker

Donald Davis

Playwright's Co-op

National Theatre School

Yale University School of Drama

Atlantic Steamer Cruise

Herschel Hardin

Baghdad Saloon

Bush Theatre (Shepard's Bush London)

Margaret 'Percy' Harris

Saddler's Wells

Motley Theatre Design Group

Hayden Griffin 

The Royal Court Theatre

The Tarragon Theatre

#4 Kevin Lamotte Part 2 by Michael Kruse

In this episode, I conclude my talk with the Director of Lighting Design at the Shaw Festival in Kevin Lamotte.  In this episode we begin by discussing Kevin's relationship with the director and how he visualises lighting.  We move on to discuss his approach to cuing and his role as the director of lighting design.