I met with Robert Gardiner at the University of British Columbia’s Fredrick Wood Theatre in the design department at the beginning of 2019. We speak about his early work in the US and is eventual move to the UBC drama department, and his thoughts on theatre training and the changes in producing theatre in Canada over the last 40 years. Links to Robert’s work can be found Here!
Larry Shumate technical director California State University
League of Professional Training Programs with this great piece on “The Leagues” from Rolling Stone Magazine
Jack and the Beanstock, 1993 Seattle Children’s Theater, Directed by Linda Hartzell, Sets and Lighting by Robert Gardiner, Costumes by Cathy Meacham Hunt Cast not available.
Twelfth Night, Centaur Theatre, Directed by George McCall, Set and Lighting by Robert Gardiner, Costumes by Dennis Horn.
The River - Home, by Margo Kane, Full Circle First Nations Performance, Directed by Margo Kane, Set, Lighting, Projections by Robert Gariner, and Costumes by C. Hatfull. Cast not available.
Studies in Motion, 2006, by Electric Theatre Company, Written and Directed by Kim Collier, Choreography by Crystal Pite, Original Music by Patrick Pennefather, Set, Lighting and Projection design by Robert Gardiner, Costumes by Mara Gottler. Cast: Andrew Wheeler, Allan Morgan, Dawn Petten, Jonathon Young and Erin Wells, with UBC students Ryan Beil, Lara Gilchrist, Kai James, Shane Kolmansberger, Joel Redmond, Kyle Rideout, and Juno Ruddell