#58 Mary Kerr by Michael Kruse


Mary and I met at her home in Victoria BC in December of 2018. We speak of her early days growing up in Winnipeg dancing in her mother’s dance studio and her transition to majorette, sculpture and finally nationally renowned set and costume designer. We speak for considerable length about her collaboration with the late Stephen Katz and her work on the spectacular opening ceremonies for the Commonwealth Games in 1994. Mary’s work was featured in the seminal book Scenography in Canada by Natalie Rewa and she currently is a professor at the University of Victoria.


Mary on the set of Toy Castle, flanked by actors (clockwise from right to left )Jorden Morris, Elizabeth Olds, Corinne Vessey, and perhaps David Lucas?

Mary on the set of Toy Castle, flanked by actors (clockwise from right to left )Jorden Morris, Elizabeth Olds, Corinne Vessey, and perhaps David Lucas?

Expo ‘86, Vancouver, designed by Mary Kerr, Directed by

Expo ‘86, Vancouver, designed by Mary Kerr, Directed by

Commonwealth Games Victoria BC 2994, Mechanical Wolf

Commonwealth Games Victoria BC 2994, Mechanical Wolf

Commonwealth Games Victoria BC 1994

Commonwealth Games Victoria BC 1994

The Three Penny Opera at Canadian Stage 1989

The Three Penny Opera at Canadian Stage 1989

The Three Penny Opera at Canadian Stage 1989, costume design by Mary Kerr

The Three Penny Opera at Canadian Stage 1989, costume design by Mary Kerr

Mary sitting with the final costumes for The Three Penny Opera at Canadian Stage in 1989

Mary sitting with the final costumes for The Three Penny Opera at Canadian Stage in 1989

#58 Mary Kerr
Michael Kruse

#57 April Viczko by Michael Kruse


I had a great opportunity while I was in Calgary in the winter of 2019 to speak with designer April Viczko. She is an associate professor and the chair of the department of design in the school of creative and performing arts at the University of Calgary. She is also the past president of the Associated Designers of Canada and a founding member of the controversial Designers Working Group. We speak about her early experiences at Scenotecnica Piu in Italy at the beginning of her career and her journey from Prud'homme Saskatchewan to Toronto and back to Calgary. You can see examples of her work at https://aprilviczko.com/ .

A special thanks to the sound department at the University of Calgary who loaned us some fancy microphones to record the interview.

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Interculture Canada - American Field Service

David Lovett

Lee Livingston

Ezio Frigario, opera designer

Scenotechnica Piu owned by Antonetti

Maya digital rendering

Chuck Homewood and ADC

Paul Matheson

Astrid Jansen

Michael Levine

Randy Read

Doug Paraschuk

Alix Dolgoy

Charlotte Dean

Lorenzo Savoini

Dana Osborn

Michael Gianfrancesco

Sarah Armstrong

Katka Hubacek

Peter Hartwell

Brock Lumsden

Casa Loma Christmas, and Wolfworks

Unfinished pool at Casa Loma

Theatre by the Bay

Dany Lyne

Workshop West

Alberta Theatre Projects

Theatre Calgary

Vertigo Theatre

The Last Days of Judas Iscariot, directed by David Ferry in 2005

Shadow Pleasures nee Hand Writing into Dance by Veronica Tennant

Ray Salverda

Glen Davidson

Hello Hello, by Kill Your Television, directed by Kevin Sutley

Garage Alec by Village Theatre, directed by Ron Jenkins

Ash Rizen, by Alberta Theatre Projects

Natalie Rewa, Scenography in Canada

Kendra Fanconi, created Slime by The Only Animal company

Patsy Thomas, head of wardrobe at Banff Centre for The Arts

Saa’kokoto, Kainai Blackfoot elder at U of Calgary theatre dept

Robert Gardiner

Eco-scenography, Ian Garrett

World Stage Design

Prague Quadrennial

Magnetic North and the Push Festival

Matt Flawn, Banff

Designers Working Group

Dany Lyne acceptance speech at Siminovich prize

Phil Silver

Erica Hassel

Sheila White

Simon Rossiter

Sholem Dolgoy

#57 April Viczko
Michael Kruse

Special Presentation: Sholem Dolgoy Retires by Michael Kruse

On September 23, 2019, Sholem Dolgoy, an associate professor and former chair of production at Ryerson University’s School of Performance, retired. He taught at the school since the early 1980’s while building a towering career in lighting design in Canadian theatre and dance. I recorded the presentation that night and present here to you the juiciest bits of that evening, including an addendum to our talk from Episode #13 of the The Title Block. We recap Sholem’s career, how he got into teaching and his efforts to laud the word of theatre administrators in a time when we need them most.

Thank you, Sholem, for being a mentor to so many great artists, and we wish you all the best on your next adventure!

Special Presentation: Sholem Dolgoy Retires
Michael Kruse

#56 Susan Benson by Michael Kruse

Designer Susan Benson

Designer Susan Benson

Susan Benson was born in Kent, England, trained as a fine artist but as a member of a theatre family moved quickly in to theatre design. I met with Susan in Victoria in December of 2018 and she recounted her early life and training in England and her development of a robust training environment at the Stratford Festival, where she was the head of design for many years. Susan defends the idea of a theatre designer as an artist and the need of support of traditional theatre spaces to insure we train a future generation of theatre artists. You can follow along visually by finding a copy of Patricia Flood’s new book about Susan’s design career here. You can also find visual references online from Susan’s work here.

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Christopher Timothy - Road Program on Benson on the Knowledge network - Guildhall School of Music and Drama

LAMDA London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts or RADA Royal Academy of Dramatic Art and The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama

Sunday Times Drama Festival , Harold Hobson

John Neville

Tanya Moiseiwitsch

Royal Shakespeare Company

National Diploma of Design in Britain


Theatre Museum Canada, Alice Through the Looking Glass by Susan Benson

The Ecstasy of Rita Joe

Robin Phillips

The Krannert Centre for the Performing Arts

Peter Franklin White

John Burrell

Michael Whitfield

Gil Wechsler

Manotti’s The Medium 1974 at the Stratford Festival starring Maureen Forrester, directed by Michael Bawtree

The Summoning of Everyman, by Charles Wilson in 1974 at Stratford Festival - search for the title

Twelfth Night, Stratford Festival, 1975 directed by David Jones

Tyrone Guthrie and Michael Langham

Maggie Smith in As You Like It at the Stratford Festival

John Hirsch

David William

John Neville

Richard Monette

Garth Drabinsky and Live Entertainment

Shaw Festival

The Mikado at the Stratford Festival 1982 a great archival video

Desmond Heeley

The Duchess of Malfy at the Stratford Festival NYT review from 1971

The Sarducci’s in the Scene Shop at stratford festival

Lillian Baylis of The Old Vic

Caberet at the Stratford Festival 1987

As You Like It by the National Theatre of Britain 2016

The Wooden “O” of the original Globe Theatre

Pumpkin Breeches

Two Planks and a Passion - its origins in theatre language

Robin Dunn designer for La Forza del Destino directed by John Copley

Madam Butterfly at the Canadian Opera Company designed by Susan Benson

The Golden Ass by by Randolph Peters with libretto by Roberston Davies

Taming of the Shrew at the Birmingham Royal Ballet

Maureen Forester in Iolanthe at The Stratford Festival

Midsummer’s Night Dream directed by Robin Phillips at The Stratford Festival

Cynthia MacLennan, cutter at Stratford Festival

Susan’s Portrait work is also published in a book called Portrait of an Island

Karen Rodd

Patricia Flood

Scott McKowen

#56 Susan Benson
Michael Kruse

#55 Mara Gottler by Michael Kruse


My interview with costume designer Mara Gottler is a continuation of my profiles of Vancouver theatre designers from December 2018. Mara and I speak about her early life at the Stratford festival as a tailor and sewer and her move to the National Theatre School, and eventually Vancouver where she is a founding member and resident designer of the west coast Shakespearian powerhouse Bard on the Beach. We speak about her career and her approach to the conceptualization and communication of design. We also speak about the infra-red camera technique established by Robert Lepage to better incorporate front projection video into your production.


Peter Roberts, production manager Stratford Festival

Pat Scott, cutter at Stratford Fest (scroll down page)

Tom Patterson, founder of Stratford Fest

Desmond Heeley

Brian Jackson

Susan Benson

Tyrone Guthrie

Tanya Moiseiwitsch

François Barbeau

Theatre de Nouveau Monde

Erika Hoffer, Tailor at Stratford Fest

Robert Lepage

Saidye Bronfman Centre

Patrick Clark

Iris Turcott

Full House Theatre

Alan Brodie

Christopher Gaze

Miles Potter

Douglas Campbell

R.H. Thompson

Scott Wentworth

Robert McQueen

Stephen Courtenay

Electric Company’s production of Brilliant

The Nightengale by Robert Lepage

Alan Stichbury

Pamela Howard designer

Dior and the New Look

Coriolanus at Stratford directed by Robert Lepage

The Man of La Mancha designed by Debra Hanson

The Natural Way To Draw by Kimon Nicolaides

World Stage Design Expo

#55 Mara Gottler
Michael Kruse

#54 Scott Miller by Michael Kruse


Scott Miller is a partner in DWD Theatre Design and Consulting based in Vancouver BC. He and I speak about our beginnings in Toronto theatre as classmates at Ryerson Theatre School and proceed to a fascinating conversation about designing your theatre. While this is a program about theatre design, we rarely speak about the actual design of our spaces and all the work that goes into them. Scott spoke to me at his office in Vancouver, BC in December 2018, and this is the first of the series of interviews based on the my trip to the west coast in December.

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Gateway Theatre

Caught in the Act, Richmond BC

Ryerson School of Performance (nee Ryerson Theatre School)

York University theatre dept

Touchstone Theatre

Tamahnous Theatre

Rumble Theatre

The Blyth Festival

The Red Barn Theatre in Jackson’s Point and a Retrospective of the Theatre

The fire that burnt the Red Barn theatre

David Vanderlip

Leslie Wilkinson

Nathaniel Kennedy

Janet Amos

Susan Moffet

Crystal Salverda

Martine Beland

Ray Salverda

Brian Cumberland

Tim O’Gorman

Jason McLean

Janet Amos’ Rural Roots; A Memoir about the Blyth Festival

Kawartha Summer Theatre at the Academy Theatre in Lindsay

Katherine Kaszas

Summer Stock Theatre vs. Reperatory Theatre

Drayton Entertainment

Atlantic Theatre Festival in Wolfville NS

Nigel Bennet

Neptune Theatre

Linda Moore

Bruce Klinger

The Rebecca Cohn Theatre

Buddies in Bad Times Theatre

Steve Lucas

Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia

Eastern Front Theatre

Just in Time

Brian Perchaluk

Daniel McIver and Daniel Brooks

Darryl Shaw, head electrician

Charlie Culver, head of audio

Bob carpenter, technical award named after him at neptune

Ron Ulrich

Andy Mawdsley

Theatre Aquarius

The Mayfield Dinner Theatre

Skinny Saints

Phillipa Domville, director

Leigh Kerr

Eddie Candysides, designed by Steve Lucas

DWD Theatre Design and Consulting

Robert Hamilton

Douglas College

The Stanley Theatre

The Chan Centre

Douglas Welch

Vancouver Culture Centre

Queen Elizabeth Theatre

Simon Fraser University Downtown Campus

Vancouver Playhouse

The Arts Club Theatre

Artec Consultants Inc.

Theatre Projects

Theatre Consultants Collaborative

Fisher Dachs Associates

LEAD Canada certification

Battleship linoleum

Masonite controversy scroll down :)

Spiralift video

Rigid chain lift

Four Seasons Centre

Doug Morum

ETC Rigging

Chauvet Pro

Elation’s Fuze

Richard Pilbrow

Alan Brodie

#54 Scott Miller
Michael Kruse

#53 Astrid Janson by Michael Kruse


This episode a great conversation with legendary Canadian theatre designer Astrid Janson. I joined Astrid in at her home in November of 2018 to discuss her early days at Toronto Workshop Productions and Toronto Dance Theatre and her set, costume, and yes lighting design work in opera and new theatrical works. Please find her complete portfolio at THIS link. and follow along with this key Canadian designer.

We also briefly remember costume designer Susanne Mess who we lost in Janary 2019, and Mallory Gilbert who passed in February.

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Toronto Workshop Productions

Toronto Dance Theatre

Atlantis by Toronto Dance Theatre, choreography by David Earle, dancers most likely Cornelius Fischer-Credo and Peggy Baker, however could also be any combination of : Kathryn Brown, Barry (Artis) Smith, Sara Pettitt, Patricia Beatty, Danny Grossman…

Atlantis by Toronto Dance Theatre, choreography by David Earle, dancers most likely Cornelius Fischer-Credo and Peggy Baker, however could also be any combination of : Kathryn Brown, Barry (Artis) Smith, Sara Pettitt, Patricia Beatty, Danny Grossman, Ricardo Abreut, David Wood, Susan Macpherson, Helen Jones, Norey Drummond, Patricia Miner, John Preston, Merle (Germaine) Salsberg. Costume design by Astrid Janson

Roelof Peter Snippe

University of British Columbia

Joy Coghill and the Vancouver Playhouse

Brian Jackson, resident designer at Van Playhouse

John Brockington

Richard Ouzounian

John Grey

Larry Lillo, and a film about his life

Brent Carver

Goldie Semple

A Taste of Honey at UBC, not the same production, but a neat photo

Terminal, part of the Living Theatre tradition by Open Theatre

Much Ado About Nothing - musical at UBC

Susan McPherson

Jim Plaxton

David Earle

Patrica Beatty

Peter Rendazzo

Nancy (Jowsey) Lewis - resident designer at TWP

June Falkner, GM at TWP

George Luscombe

Joan Littlewood

Richard Two-time at TWP

Ten Lost Years at TWP by Jack Winter based on the book by Barry Broadfoot

You Can’t Get There From Here by Jack Winter TWP

The fire at TWP on Alexander St in 1974

CBC Design department and Susanne Mess and some of her designs

The Tommy Hunter Show

The King of Kensington, produced by Perry Rosemond

Home Fires, produced by Robert Sharen and production shots

AIDS crisis in the Arts in Canada

Expo ‘86 Ontario Pavilion and photos of the pavilion by Astrid

Ken Gass

Sholem Dolgoy

HMS Pinafore directed by Leon Major at Stratford Festival starring Michael Burgess

The Cherry Orchard at the Shaw Festival in 1980 notorious

Murray Laufer set designer

John Hirsch

Royal Winnipeg Ballet’s Firebird with Vincent Nabrada choreographer

Lotfe Mansouri, Canadian Opera Company, A Tales of Hoffman directed by Hans Nieuwenhuis

Malibar’s Costume House

Robert Desrosiers’ In Cognito at the Calgary Olympics 1988

Opera Philadelphia

Joe Papp at The Public Theatre in New York and his Stable of Designers

Rusalka with Ben Heppner at COC

Dancing at Lughnasa at the Grand Theatre

The Master Builder at TWP directed by George Luscombe 1983-4

Molly Sweeney directed by Miles Potter at Canadian Stage

Women in Mind directed by Martha Henry at the Grand Theatre London

Sweet Bird of Youth at Stratford Festival starring Martha Henry

From the House of the Dead directed by Dina Bertman

Les Canadians at TWP

The Grace of Mary Travers, directed by Martha Henry, Toronto Free Theatre

Village of Small Huts by Michael Hollingsworth

Shadowland Theatre

U of Toronto Drama Department

Buddies in Bad Times Theatre

Josef Svoboda

Michigan School of Music - Barber of Seville

Jacob Two Two and the Hooded Fang

Harry Frehner

Jacob Two Two and the Dinosaur

Kodachrome Slide Projector

The Waverly Gallery

#53 Astrid Janson
Michael Kruse

#52 Kevin Fraser by Michael Kruse

Lighting Designer Kevin Fraser, photo by David Cooper.

Lighting Designer Kevin Fraser, photo by David Cooper.

Kevin Fraser has been at the Stratford festival for 30 years and designed the lighting for over 500 productions since graduating from Ryerson Theatre School in the late 1970’s. He invited me to his home in Stratford Ontario in August of 2018 and we spoke about his early career and beginnings in Toronto at the Adelaide Court and the Tarragon Theatre and his move into the large festivals including Stratford and Drayton. Find examples of his work here: www.kevinfraserlighting.com.

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Frances Mavor Moore and the Mavor Moore Family

Ryerson Theatre School

George Vanier Secondary School

Sandy Black

Jean Charles Black

Sholem Dolgoy

Robert Thomson

Jim Carnright

Dark of the Moon

Canada’s Wonderland

Bjarne Christensen

Theatre Passe Muraille

Maggie and Pierre by Linda Griffiths

Hank Williams: The Show He Never Gave by Maynard Collins directed by Paul Thompson at TPM

Leslie Wilkinson

The Blyth Festival

Adelaide Court Theatre at 57 Adelaide St. East Toronto

Théâtre français de Toronto

Phoenix Theatre and Nurse Jane Goes to Hawaii

Factory Theatre

The Tarragon Theatre

Kim Merchiso (SP?) (york university now)

Urjo Kereda (as a critic)

Farther West, directed by Duncan Macintosh designed by Cameron Porteus

The Shaw Festival

Jeffery Dallas

One For The Pot with Heath Lamberts from the Shaw Festival

Heartbreak House designed by Michael Levine

Harry Frehner

Louise Guinand

Photo-sensitive paper

Stratford Festival: Festival Stage

Stratford Festival: Avon Theatre

Stratford Festival: Tom Patterson Theatre

Soulpepper Theatre

John Neville

David William

Pericles, directed by Richard Ouzounian

Boys from Syracuse, based on Comedy of Errors

Robbin Phillips’ young company at Stratford

Bernard Hopkins

Love’s Labour’s Lost in 1989 at the Stratford Festival

Opera Atelier

Marshall Pynkoski

Theatre Aquarius

Myrthis by J.P. Rameau

McMillan Theatre

Baroque theatre lighting history

Carbon 14

Gerard Gauci

Bonnie Beecher

Pani Projectors

Dido and Aeneas

Drayton Entertainment

Alex Mustakas

Tanya Moiseiwitsch set for stratford current configuration

Original Stratford Stage


ETC Luster 2

Michael Whitfield

Des McAnuff

Caberet at Stratford Festival in 1980

Changeover at the Stratford festival

Vari-Lite VL1000

Avab moving yokes

#52 Kevin Fraser
Michael Kruse