Steve Lucas is a designer based in Creemore Ontario. Steve and I have known each other for years as the familiarity will show in this 2 hour interview. Steve and I talk about his early career at Alberta Theatre Projects and Buddies in Bad Times Theatre as well as his development of the "symphony of lights" with Hillar Liitoja at DNA Theatre. We also cover his work on the hit play 2 Pianos, 4 Hands and the work on his newest incarnation of Breath[e] a play made of design.
Steve's Studio
Just a couple of notes, below you will find a picture of the score from the symphony of lights that Steve used as a tool for DNA Theatre. And I mentioned the random lighting plot for a dance piece that may have been attributed to Tharon Musser. This was in fact Beverly Emmons with her work with the Martha Graham Dance Company and is described in her interview on In One, the podcast. Links are below.
Buired Child by Sam Sheppard
Sky Gilbert's Postman Always Rings Once
Stephan Drogue and Steele Kiss by Platform 9 Theatre
2-2 Tango by Daniel MacIvor and Da Da Kamera
Toronto Workshop Productions, 12 Alexander St., Toronto
Premier Dance Theatre and the Ice House
Professional Theatre Training Program at Theatre Ontario
Dragon's Trilogy and Seven Streams of the River Ota
Pierre-Philipe Gauy
The score for the Symphony of lights for a DNA Theatre production
In One with Beverly Emmons and Tharon Musser and the choreographer Martha Graham
The Last Supper by DNA Theatre
The proscenium at Theatre Passe Muraille
Breath[e] by Steve Lucas
Steve Lucas